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3:1  But you should know this, that in the last days hard times will come.
3:2  And people will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disloyal to their people, rejecters of grace, wicked,
3:3  Slanderers, captives to desire, cruel, haters of the good,
3:4  Traitors, impulsive, arrogant, loving lust more than the love of God,
3:5  Who have a form of God-worship and are far from his power; remove from you those who are such.
3:6  For some of them are these who crawl house to house and capture women buried in sins and are led to various lusts,
3:7  Who are always learning and are never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
3:8  But just as Jannes and Jambres arose against Moses, in this way also they have withstood the truth; persons who corrupt their minds and are rejected from faith.
3:9  But they will not proceed to their advancement, for their madness is known to every person, just as theirs was also known.
3:10  But you have gone after my teaching and after my customs, after my love, after my endurance, after my desire and after my faith, after my long-suffering,
3:11  After my persecutions and after my suffering; and you know those things which I endured in Antiakia, Iconiun and Lystra, what persecutions I endured, and my Lord delivered me from all of them.
3:12  But also, all those who choose to live in the worship of God in Yeshua The Messiah are persecuted.
3:13  But evil men and deceivers will add to their evils, as they go astray and deceive.
3:14  But you should abide in those things that you have learned and of which you are assured, for you know from whom you have learned them,
3:15  And because from your childhood you were taught The Holy Scrolls which can make you wise unto the life in the faith of Yeshua The Messiah.
3:16  Every writing which is written by The Spirit is profitable for teaching, for correction, for direction and for a course in righteousness,
3:17  That the man of God will be perfect and perfected for every good work.